Monday, April 16, 2012

Francisco's First Family -- Beatrice de Piedra & Fort Mose

Some of the most exciting times in the life of young Franscisco may have been as a young adult. Left behind in his native la Florida by his familia, the teenager fended for himself as the English took over his homeland. Amidst this, as he struggled and grew and found his way to material success, he also found a partner for his journey -- young Beatrice Stone. A native of Charleston, the young mixed-race woman was transported to Fort Mose by her uncle so that she could continue to live free as her father intended.

The prominent historian who has written extensively about Jane Landers, Francisco's first love and the mother of half of his children, will present at the upcoming Underground Railroad conference in Saint Augustine this June 20-23.

Underground Railroad Conference


Tom Santa Cruz said...


If Francisco was born in 1736 and the British arrived in 1763, then Francisco would be 27 and not a teenager.


Unknown said...

He must have been born in 1746 then. What do you have as his recorded date?