James Madison’s Phony War: The Plot to Steal Florida by Joseph Burkholder Smith
"Fresh meat as well as firewood for the residents of St. Augustine and its garrison were supplied on contract and administrated by the Spanish government. The Sanchez family held both contracts from the late 1790’s through 1811, when Enrique White died. They traded rum, too, just as had Don Tomas, and rice and citrus fruit as well. These clever Spanish entrepreneurs, in fact, shipped most of their fruit in the form of agria—a concentrated form. Unfortunately records of exactly how they managed to anticipate Minute Maid orange juice by 150-odd years have not yet been found. When Francisco Xavier Sanchez died in Oct 1807, his estate was probably the largest in East Florida. It consisted of lands, slaves, cattle, townhouses and lots and commercial interests. The Sanchez townhouse in St. Augustine was amply furnished in mahogany and had a staff of twenty-seven slaves. Another Sanchez house was rented to the lieutenant governor. Still another was rented to the garrison commander. Several other of his houses were used as retail stores for the sale of goods between the US and Cuba."